Black brogues, black heart |
I have a thing for fine shoes, if you haven't noticed. The photographic image (at left) shows a pair of bespoke black full brogues from G.J. Cleverley in London. I received them last year. Note the aggressive broguing and fine chisel toe. They sit next to a Brooks Brothers lightweight sack suit in grey pinstripe with a 3/2 roll. The shoes are in pre-polish mode; I let them out of their cage so the Saphir Médaille d'Or Renovateur cleaner and conditioner could soak in. In my own personal Shoe Pyramid, on which I shall expound at a later date, black and burgundy shoes are at the top. Chestnut shoes are nice--don't get me wrong--but in my view they have become a sign of the sartorial amateur, particularly in business settings. Black shoes are ideal for City wear and mark the owner as a man of serious intentions and a 'no-nonsense' approach to things. Which make them perfect camouflage for superfluous chaps like
Very nice. They carry the patina of old money and good breeding.
I'm holidaying in London for a few weeks and decided to wander along Savil Row, then popped into Eade & Ravenscroft to view their ties and ascots. As you know LBF, Cleverleys are in the Royal Arcade, which is not far from this area. Made a fool of myself salivating against the window. What shoes they had on display!!
Ian from Downunder
Wonderful shoes!
They are very fine. Although John Lobb owns the Niklaus Tuczek name, George Cleverley spent many years there and I suppose that the chiselled toe, continued by Cleverely originated with Tuczek.
Admiral, beautiful shoes and you're quite right about brown shoes in a business setting, they lack gravitas.
I'm impressed you pay such attention to detail when polishing your shoes. Indicates you pay due diligence in other tasks too.
"....a sign of the sartorial amateur..."
--A brilliant put-down, Sir!
Naughtiness noted.
When I first walked into the Cleverly Store in London a stylish man came out and patted my shoulder saying:These would match your outfit perfectly young chap!, pointing on some brown brogues. When I entered the store i was told that i just met Londons No.1 style icon.
The Men inside made a dirty joke of which i couldnt catch the last bit. As a lady, obviously from the country, entered it was dead silent at once Then She tried on her bespoke paisley velvet slippers. As i asked to hear the last Part of the joke again, not yet knowing that it was a dirty one, the gentlemen shushed at me and smiled discretly. Typical english gentleman behaviour if you ask me!
Cleverly is since then even more one of my favorite bespoke shoe retailers!
GGG from Monasterio-chap
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