Danke Thilo! |
Thilo Sarrazin: German bureaucrat, former director of the Bundesbank, and author of best-selling book
Deutschland schafft sich ab (Germany Abolishes Itself), a devastating critique of immigration and cultural policies undertaken by the post-war regime. Note the dark worsted suit, sky blue dress shirt, horn-rimmed specs, and what looks like a reverse Brooks Brothers 'mini' BB#1 repp tie. I am particularly enthralled by Herr Sarrazin's sensible haircut and the curves of his shirt collar. Most exquisite. It does not get much better than this. Perfection.
I've always liked Herr Sarrazin's style, but I've never been able to quite pin down exactly what it is about it I like. Perhaps it's because he combines his heresy against the multikult seamlessly with his classic conservative style. That, and his collected bearing when he has been interviewed.
I agree completely;he's well turned out. Love the specs.
If his book is anything like "The Abolition of Britain" I'd certainly like to read it if an English translation comes out.
Yes, a very nice and natural, no-nonsense style.
The bourgeois iGents are getting restless...
Am I the only one who suspects your motives on this?
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