Mind your shoes, gentlemen! It is essential, as a strapping chap-about-town, to keep one's brogues in tip-top shape. Fine footwear, like the skin on your manly mug, requires regular care and maintenance. Do not neglect it. The tools for such a task (
pictured at port) include cloth, brush, soap, polish, and moisturiser. Not pictured is the young brunette hottie who will actually complete the job for you whilst you sip your cocktail.
Proper shoe maintenance is essential. I would add, however, that shoe trees should be included in the list of items essential for proper shoe maintenance, because they help to obviate that dreadful crease that develops in the front part of the shoe.
MGM ~ Indeed. Shoe trees may also be used as handy clubs when one is confronted by hoodies in a poorly-lit boulevard.
In addition to shoe trees, overshoes are very helpful for when it rains/snows. It also means that you don't need to be one of those people that wears boots or sneakers with suits just because of some rain/snow.
I rather like a few creases in my brogues, provided they are carefully polished over.
Now, if only I could purchase some polish and the hottie in one location.
Definitely a job I'd outsource. To a woman, even better.
Believe me gentlemen; if you don’t know how to polish your own shoes, or, more importantly, can’t afford to pay someone else to do it, you are unlikely to attract the attention of any ‘hottie’ worth having.
That said, LBF is quite correct – shoes trees would make an excellent weapon, though not as potent as a well-aimed stiletto heel.
perhaps it is the shoe where a heel and a sole are found in the same place and a tongue follows a vamp.
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