The Chap is constantly being asked such plaintive questions as "Where can I buy a decent trilby?" and "Which shops sell sock suspenders?" We have therefore decided to open a modest little general store for gentlemen. The Chap Shop contains six departments, each serving an essential area of the gentleman's wardrobe. These items are currently only available to residents of the British Isles.
The Chap has painstakingly combed the aisles of the remaining British suppliers of gentleman's necessities, to find what we consider to be the very best items available at the most reasonable prices.
It's a promising enterprise and I for one will drink a celebration toast with a glass of Veuve Cliquot. Best of luck to them.
Thanks for the tip, and I enjoy the theme music. It is very relaxing. Keep up the good work, you have a wonderful blog!
LBT, dare I ask whether that is finally a photo of you on your bio? Anyway, that's my favorite champagne too
I do like the black tie with white spots. Stylish with an undercurrent of self-deprecating humour. Very British.
Sock suspenders - gentlemen beware - deeply unsexy...brings back memories of a certain bachelor schoolmaster with a greasy combover and dandruff -Horrors!
As for the Veuve, Admiral you're so chic, i love it too and disperse bottles with carefree abandon over the holiday season; never fails to please.
S., it is a photo of the artist Peter Beard. The physical similarities are approximate, which is why I choose to use the photo whilst retaining anonymity. I love VC too. I used to drink it daily after work, courtesy of the private bank where I worked. O, happy days...
Veuve Cliquot never fails to remind me of one of my english relatives Lady P, who had Berry Bros send cases of quarter bottles to her house in the country and would open one every morning at 11am as a reward for finishing her 'housework' which consisted of sitting at her desk in the Morning Room writing dinner party menus for the cook.
Very enjoyable blog!
It is very different with the relaxing music - keep up the excellent work!
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