As you may have heard, my new editor just bought me a Bedouin keffiyeh, or shemagh, to help me cope with the recent cold, damp weather here in Southern California. This particular item was exported directly from the souks of the Near East and sports large, long tassels at each end. I owned a keffiyeh when I was younger. Like my schoolmates and friends, I occasionally wore one in London as a schoolboy; they were particularly popular amongst European students. The special forces in Britain and Australia wear the keffiyeh on campaign. Today I wear it to ward off the chill of a winter climate. I tie it around my neck ascot-style, stuffing the ends down the front of my Filson flannel shirt-jacket or Brooks Brothers tweed coat.
Admiral, your sense of humour is wicked and somewhat english...or at least i hope that's what i'm supposed to think and not be appreciating the nuances of a profound political statement??
This picture also makes me think wistfully back to when i was in the Sahara wearing not a keffiyeh but a Tuareg tagelmoust; a fine headdress if ever there was one habitually worn only by men. i rode my camel sidesaddle to remind them there was a female in their midst.
I guess I'll be looking him up...haha. Hope all is well;)
your new editor is well informed and shows excellent taste. As i'm sure you are aware the size and length of the tassels indicates the status of the wearer. my (british) father worked many years in the middle east, sent by his (american) employers; mainly i suspect because after two hours in the sun he looked just like an arab. his daughter on the other hand, however hard she tries, remains lily white all year round.
Very nice description of use....how about an anonymous pic on your blog. It would be inspiring. In addition, I do appreciate your always kind comments on my blog. You are a true gentleman.
And do you get persecuted for wearing a piece of clothing associated with Islamic/MidEast life. I was just wondering. You might want to read my blog, because I have an article about Israel/Palestine, and how muslims in the West could be persecuted. I am not Muslim, I am Hindu. But I would like to hear your perspective on my article.
I've always thought the keffiyeh was a very useful article of clothing, and also rather romantic in a Lawrence of Arabia sort of way, however I wouldn't be got dead in one due to it's ubiquity among the most obnoxious of hipster kids. Maybe a large square of soft cotton in a solid color would make an adequate substitute?
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Very Lawrence of Arabia. Do you get pulled over more frequently if you drive wearing it?
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