'Is there a sartorial obsessive in you waiting to get out? A modern-day dapper Don Draper? Fond of telling people that strictly speaking, it's a coat, not a jacket? You need a guide to feed that obsession, to help you discover and invest in tailored clothes. Perhaps most importantly, to ensure you are always the best dressed. You need
Le Snob: Tailoring. Tailored clothes lend poise and authority to the man who wears them. Evocative and richly appointed with little-known facts, this book is about appreciating the world's most impeccable tailoring to the full. Providing the exclusive knowledge that every true snob must possess, plus authentic insights into the lives and skills of expert tailors,
Le Snob: Tailoring offers impeccable advice on how to select, wear and maintain fine garments from bespoke suits to handmade shirts as well as a directory of the world's most prestigious men's outfitters, from Saville Row's finest to Anderson & Sheppard,
Le Snob: Tailoring is the perfect fit for any well-appointed bookshelf.'
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