One of the advantages of being a charming older chap is the greater frequency with which women give you gifts.
It wasn't always like this. In my younger days, still under the influence of romantic delusions, I was the one distributing tokens of affection to the girls I fancied. But somewhere along the line I came to my senses and the script, as it were, flipped.
With several women in my dating rotation, I anticipated the arrival of this past Saint Valentine's Day with some discomfiture. But I managed to get through the day by simply ignoring it. This is a strategy I use in many areas of life.
Still, one of my lady friends presented me with a pair of new Ray-Ban aviator sunglasses, not unlike the pair in the photo (above). I find it complements my beard, close-cropped hair, and large physique.
I suppose at some point she will expect me to return the favour, in a manner of speaking--a not entirely unpleasant possibility.
For my "trad" husband, I don't buy but rather bake his favorite dessert---lemon ice box pie. I'm pretty well known for it. At church pie auctions, my pie has gone for $85 in the past. Ah, I'm sure my life sounds simple but that's the beauty of it!!
Never found the right sunglasses as a civilian.
In the army, I had my trusty Oakley glasses but wearing those as a civilian has been taken over by a crowd of d-bags.
Aviators look and feel weird on my face. Perhaps from letting too much light in from the sides.
May have to go to a Putin look:
O ~ For years I've been a Persol man (PO3021S & PO2997S). They're perfect for the pool, fishing, hiking, and generally being a lounge lizard. For more active endeavours I wear cheap no name brands.
But the aviators look different. My girl tells me they make me look more "badass," which isn't necessarily the look I'm aiming for. Still, since I've started wearing them I notice I've been turning more female heads than I usually do.
I think the key with aviators, especially if you've got a relatively long, narrow face (as I do), is to find a pair with a less rounded, more squared off bottom edge. Avoid the "tear drop" or "dew drop" look.
Aviator shape is an excellent model from Ray-Ban Sunglasses, I own a pair of them
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