When I describe myself as a black sheep, I mean it. I embrace it. It's been that way from the start. I spent years playing the game, living a multitude of little lies, and no doubt I've profited from it. But my heart and mind were never invested in it. As those closest to me have observed over the years, I don't care about the things other people seem to care about. I'm thoroughly alienated, utterly detached. And I suppose I've paid some sort of price for it, too.
As you know, in my mid-twenties I finally perceived clearly the lies I had been told about women, race, and life in general. I was encouraged in my new thinking by having lived, travelled, and been educated abroad for so long, which gives one a unique way of looking at things. And for that I am incredibly grateful. That was when I swallowed the 'Red Pill", as it is called now. I haven't looked back since.
It is not enough merely to react; one must have a way forward, too. There has to be a plan, an objective, providing hope and purpose, and, therefore, a reason to get up in the morning. So somewhere along the line I started formulating in my own mind a way of living for myself and myself only. As part of this process I looked at other men to see how they lived, eventually settling on three main categories into which most chaps can be placed. These are as follows:
(1) Trads. These are the men who opt for the traditional route of marriage, mortgage, and family. I think the vast majority of men fall into the this group. Many are called, some are not. Formerly a secure, conventional route, in recent decades married life has been rendered highly unsafe due to the distorted nature of modern females and the divorce industry. I'm encountering more men in my daily life who have gone down this road, only to end up broken and alone. For many if not most men in the US today, marriage and family life are an enormous risk, one that more men are increasingly choosing not to take. I was briefly married once and determined it's not for me. Been there, done that.
(2) Drop-Outs. A group populated by the broken males, the man-boys, the dank shut-ins in terry cloth robes stained with energy drinks and potato chips. A world of video games and porn. Addicts hooked on drugs, alcohol, and the interwebz. It is way of physically and socially disengaging from the world. Drop-outs avoid not only the challenge of living--but also the pleasure, beauty, and glory that are still to be attained. It is a death-in-life existence. To be avoided.
(3) Dissidents. These are the men who live an active life on their own terms. It is a method for engaging life, accepting fate--not hiding from it. The endgame should be to thrive, not just to live. It is recognition that life is a struggle and requires the mindset of a fighter. The key to the dissident is a "I don't give a fuck" attitude. This is the life of a corsair, a privateer, a rebel. Take all that one can from life, because after all one could die at any moment. Pick a fight. Face the sun.
As you know I had a unique, privileged upbringing, for which I'm very grateful. But the one constant criticism I received from family members was that I was selfish and self-absorbed. They made it seem as if I were destined for Hell. I took it seriously. I owned it. And I responded in a typically adolescent manner: "If I don't put myself first, who will?" Looking back I can see I had a point, and although I didn't quite realise it, in some ways I've been preparing myself all along for the dystopian reality that prevails today.
Of course, on a personal level, I've nothing to complain about. Quite the contrary in fact. I'm successful and comfortably well-off. I have an interesting past and plenty of memories to sustain me. I live in a nice house near the ocean. I take holidays in exotic locales. I'm surrounded by pretty women and have access to more sex than I know what to do with. Living well, they say, is the best revenge. I've made my choice and I'm sticking to it. You can find me poolside.
100% CORRECT. The Kinder Kuche Kirche mold is not for the thinking man. Having rescued over 400 men from the maelstrom of matrimony, I have noticed one common thread in their lives post mortem--I mean post matrimony. HAPPINESS!!
Quite right.
Cara al Sol!
Admiral, I greatly appreciated this post. Bravo to you. Some of us out here read what you say and then add it to our little fantasy worlds that we nurture in our minds. You are my hero.
Anon @09:23 ~ lolz
Great post. Keep the good work.
I once read this great line: "Doing what I want to do isn't selfish; expecting everyone else to do what I want is." And realized that the usual critics of the "selfish" person fit that just perfectly.
Some CA GOP friends are touting Kashkari from your neighborhood LBF.
They thought I would donate...lol
You seem to be in the category of drop outs since you seem to virtually *live* this blog...
Black sheep? I never thought I'd see the day when LBF described himself as black. I'm so glad you have finally embraced multiculturalism LBF, your life will be far richer for it.
this post made me laugh out loud - I remember your father told you had a mean streak a mile wide to your face, and then you said he was a nice chap who is no longer living or something to that effect. We can only dream as to what it is like to be so selfish....
I've found that being a trad with a wife that accepts me being a dissident, to a point, works well for me.
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