If you are in need of reading material for your holiday in the Bahamas this summer, check out the journal The Rake. The focus here is on classic men's style and it claims to promote a "renaissance in gentlemanly sophistication and style." But it is much more than that. Recent issues also include pieces on literature, art, music, and design. The current magazine features a profile of the Hollywood actor George Hamilton, an essay on signet rings, and a stimulating account of the White colonists in Kenya before the war. The Rake is written for men by men. No preening metrosexuals, douchebags, or fashion-obsessed adolescent boys. Adults only, please. Luckily for me they do permit non-gentlemen to subscribe and it has been just over a year since I sent in my initial donation. I find every issue a delight. When I carry my collection of back issues to the beach or pool in my bespoke tote bag, I am so captivated by the inspiring content within that I barely take notice of the sizzling bikini-clad hotties surrounding me. The Rake is
that good.
Indeed...it is THAT good. And for that reason...the aggregate goodness of quality writing, subject matter, layout,photography and production quality...I fear it will not survive.
I've actually seen that recommended on some clothes forum before but only your post has motivated me enough to look at it more closely and the teaser-articles that are featured on their site look very promising, indeed.
I'll agree. Although some may miss its point. It is about style. And yes, I do get it for the articles....
I happened to be in Singapore (where The Rake is published) on business when the first edition came out a few years ago...it kept me company (along with a few Cathay Pacific Airlines specialty drinks called The Cloud 9) all the way back to the States. Excellent magazine..reminds me somewhat of the now defunct "M" magazine from the mid-to-late 1980's.
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