"Now, John, you have to wear clothes in proportion to your physique. There are definite dos and don'ts, good buddy, of wearing a bold striped shirt. A bold striped shirt calls for solid colored or discreetly patterned suits and ties."
American Psycho (2000)
Having not read the book but seen the film I must say the most amusing scene was the "name card" moment. Batemen getting more and more agitated and annoyed by the print and font types of his colleagues cards. Maybe Adimarl Cod can andswer this question, why is it nearly everyone who works for a major bank has the title of Vice President? Great website, keep it up.
Clearly, my spelling and grammatical errors explain why I need to ask about positions and status in major banks. I'll get my coat!
@PC:The book's slasher moments are absolutely disgusting and disturbing. But when it comes down to fashion it's brilliant.
Yes my friends thought the name card scene was so very me - American Psychette.
Peter Collins - it's not just major banks, it's the corporate world in general. In one of the corporations I have to deal with there not only Vice Presidents but Executive Vice Presidents, nobody knows the difference or indeed the actual meaning, needless to say; it's a question of figuring out which responsibilities they dodge. Put it down to the semantics of insecurity and justification. Remember in the Nineties when everyone was a 'CEO'?...
Thinking back, that novel was a very well controlled piece of writing.
The film can't possibly convey all that and only works on a more basic level.
Horrible book, but wasn't that the point?
I recall my card for an investment firm didn't have a title because it changed so often - just one of the reasons I now work in the film business.
Peter Collins @ 10:13 ~ No worries. Was that a reference to the Fast Show?!
L.B Fogey.
Yes - a Fast show reference! For those here unfamiliar with the show:
"I'll Get Me Coat", a socially inept Brummie, who is unable to make any appropriate contribution to a conversation, and therefore disgraces himself with a faux pas before using the punchline and leaving" From Wikipedia.
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