The Southern California tourist season is almost over, but some spectators linger. The exclusive photograph (at left) shows a pair of Peal & Co. spectator or co-respondent shoes at full velocity. Note solid gold cuff action and tanned ankles. As you know co-respondents have a somewhat dodgy reputation, the name itself originally intended to refer to the type of shoes only a rogue male getting up to no good with a married woman would wear. I am not so sure the term applies to yours truly, at least not now. But more on that later. Today I like to think spectators have a bit of Old Hollywood cachet and I wear them accordingly. In the photo I am no doubt discussing Heidegger's theory of being and drinking J&B whisky, and plotting my sartorial conquests for next summer. Stay tuned.
Very nice! I own the exact same style from Peal & Co.
Indeed, very nice!
I believe this is, as your other commentators suggest, 'very nice !'
Very elegant Admiral!
Thankfully I'm English and I'm not bound by tiresome and confounding American rules on what can be worn at what time of year... I can wear my co-respondent brogues on Christmas Day if feel I like it.
Allright... here is an example of elegant GTH trousers and shoes. That madras or bright purple tousers with a jacket and tie is just so "Love Boat" I don't really get it. But THIS has a certain orginality.
I've read parts of Heidegger's Introduction to Metaphysics and found it interesting; however, I still find that Heraclitus's thought best explains being and becoming.
If these are by Peal & Co. and made in England then we own the exact same shoes. I wish I lived in a more moderate climate so I could wear mine more often.
DE ~ It does bother you, which is why you keep sending me beseeching notes like a schoolgirl with a crush.
'Mildly irritating'? Get a life, man, you're obsessed.
This is my column and 95% of what I post here is for my own amusement. You ought to feel privileged I allow people like you to post comments at all.
You and I both know what you're up to. Behave yourself.
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