I shoot in a necktie and i work in one as well. I am now often the only person on an airplane in a tie. The wearing of ties in the year of our Lord 2011 is as offensive to the riffraff as were the first tattoos to the "suits" in the 80 s. I find this satisfying.
"In every battle the eyes are the first to be conquered..."
- Tacitus, Germania
"One must work in solitude as a man who opens a clearing in virgin forest, sustained by the unique hope that somewhere in its depths, others are working to the same end."
- Ernst Jünger
"I find that I must go handsomely, whatever it costs me, and the charge will be made up in the fruit it brings."
I shoot in a necktie and i work in one as well. I am now often the only person on an airplane in a tie. The wearing of ties in the year of our Lord 2011 is as offensive to the riffraff as were the first tattoos to the "suits" in the 80 s. I find this satisfying.
I agree with Jeeves. It is with ties as it is with Champagne: "In victory, you deserve it, in defeat, you need it".
I hope this current trend reverses and gentlemen again wear neckties more often.
Light years away!
The strange thing is that tie sales seem to be booming!
Yes, yes, yes!
Best Regards,
Ulrich von B.
I have between 300-500 neckties. I tend to wear but a dozen or so.
In a bar brawl, always remember to shed it straight away; it is a noose around your neck.
Vern Trotter
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