
My relationship with women goes way back. My dear old mother was a woman, that is until she skipped out on us to join a hippy commune and became...well, became something else. As a little boy I was surrounded by spoiled female relatives whose desires and demands, it was explained to me, were supposed to come before mine, just because [and this is key] they were women--an unnatural situation, I realised, that I kicked at with determination, creating permanent discord.
My natural interests as a man, I saw, were supposed to come second, as an afterthought. But the experience was good training, providing useful insights into the mind both of the woman and the mangina. The mangina functions as the male enabler for the bitch, especially the All-American Bitch (AAB), two halves of a symbiotic relationship. I managed to snap out of it in my early twenties, having learned a few painful lessons along the way.
Just because they were women. Let it sink in. You know where this comes from, don't you? Romance, chivalry, the cult of the gentleman. All of these were designed by sunken-chested men to tame not only women, but also stronger, more savage males.
I know grown men who've succumbed. They are successful and secure, but nevertheless a flame of disillusionment and anger burns inside, that might set off in unexpected ways. How many random shootings can society take? I hope you have a strong stomach, for these are the wages of feminism. Feminism sows conflict between the sexes, fostering disappointment and resentment, and leading, ultimately, to lowered birth-rates. In this way, feminism can be understood as the ideology of genocide. Feminism is anti-life.
It is paradoxical, in light of the aforesaid, that insofar as I enjoy human company, which admittedly is not very much, I often prefer that of women over men. One of the reasons for this, I think, is that I understand them. They are bearable because they simply can not help their nature. I forgive them--and love them--for it. In addition to which, there's nothing here for them to target. One of the advantages of a frozen heart is that it is largely impervious to their machinations. A chap with nothing to lose, has nothing to lose.
The cost of knowing the score is isolation. It is something to be endured. Consorting with other men, the manginas, is simply too painful to bear. Sometimes the silliest bitch is an improvement over a pussified male.
Eventually Nature will re-assert itself and the natural order of things will be restored. Whether it is achieved by a Western Restoration, or an alien ideology such as Islam, is a matter for us to discuss over whisky and cigars. But it will happen. It's just a matter of time. What we have been living through for the past 60 years or so is a temporary situation, an aberration. It will pass. So be patient, take heart, and take back what is yours. Tomorrow belongs to us.
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What women forget is that the respect once owed to them was only the result of the roles and consequent responsibilities they once had to carry out. F. Roger Devlin's essays are invaluable for understanding the mess European man finds himself in.
As shame is a powerful tool, manginas who bow and scrape before homely chubsters as if they are Oriental despots should be called out accordingly.
I believe Saint Rudyard Kipling summed it up with
A woman's only a woman,
But a Good Cigar's a smoke.
Personally, I never got tired of cigars. One end is always hot, and the butt end can always easily be trimmed. Further, you toss it when there is no longer any benefit to it.
Coddy - if I've been censored then you are doing the washing up tonight!
"Female RACE" ???? Are you fucking kidding?
Please haul your arse to a therapist, ASAP. It's for your own good.
Sorry to hear all that, LBF. Cyprian is certainly correct that a woman must earn her respect. I would only add that it is worth treating women a little better than the deserve, because sometimes they rise to the occasion. Truly feminine women are one of the few things worth dying for:
I guess that's why we're so angry when they fail to live up to it?
How about a post on how you became racially aware? I've seen you at IMF.
Great piece, LBF. You articulate so well what so many of us are feeling. I can personally relate to the "All-American Bitch" that you describe. That's my main reason why I stopped dating American girls and moved on to girls from other countries.
I pour my own whisky but my Japanese wife does the rest. Wonderful race the Japanese. Had a Polish woman once who knew what to do. Beware the American female...
LBF - I enjoyed reading this very much! And, I love how you put the troll commenters in their place.
Admiral, As a woman I agree with a number of your excellently made and beautifully written points.
To your commenters I would suggest that maybe one of the reasons you appear to feel quite the way you do about women and, possibly, the world in general is because you live in Orange County.
A.E.F. ~ Possibly, but actually I think it's because I live in the US. It really is a madhouse here. A truly fucked-up country, ready to burst.
My posting last night was the first I've made on this blog. I regret it.
What do you want from a woman? Like I said above, we will win the game of seduction. Eve fed Adam the apple and he ate it.
To other posters, do you really feel that you deserve the kind of woman that you claim to want? Are you willing to treat her as the lady you want her to continue to be?
This entire thread is making me angry.
Oh, and GGG, there are far more truffles than you think. Maybe your pig doesn't have a good sense of smell.
"In addition to which, there's nothing here for them to target. One of the advantages of a frozen heart is that it is largely impervious to their machinations. A chap with nothing to lose, has nothing to lose." This is a pretty major, significant statement to make, that one's heart is permanently frozen. I wonder what kind of deep seated trauma Admiral Cod has gone through to feel so calloused. We know his mother abandoned the family to join a hippy commune and he was married once to an Arabic woman, maybe those two experiences are enough to render one permanently cynical in their expectations of women? It is understandable that after those two big life experiences one will be permanently guarded towards and exhausted by women...
Hang on a minute. You say that you understand them. This proceeds on the premise that you actually listen to them?!
"...a flame of disillusionment and anger burns inside, that might set off in unexpected ways."
You described yourself very well there. Good luck with your PTSD.
I read today that Elizabeth II believes that the principle of the husband being the head of the family is the only guarantee of happiness in the home.
LSS ~ Do you have a link?
I agree. But, that doesn't mean that Elizabeth II sits around waiting on him hand and foot. She also has her own responsibilities outside of the home. And, I've heard that about the husband being the head of the household.
Bored, frustrated housewife? Ph.D. In Economics. Took forever while raising children and following my husband around the world for his job. Worked two short term research projects at the London School of Economics (while husband was deployed) and one on K Street.
Not working because husband was selected for a senior rank. Am acting as his social secretary at home and coordinating with his protocol officer.
Bored this weekend? Yes! Spent weekend in bed with a cold and read and posted on several blogs. Was absolutely dying for adult conversation. Feeling better and will be attending an event this evening where I must be well-dressed, thoughtful, intelligent, and charming. But, I think I've told you that.
Interesting read albeit from a rather jaded perspective.
I am quite sure that there are some women who expect to be catered to by the male gender but would it not be unfortunate to allow one's outlook towards the female race as a whole to be tarnished by those who have delusions as to male behaviour? One bitch, even two, does not a race make.
On a second point, I firmly believe that, indeed, women ought to be treated differently simply because they are women (the execution of this principle is much aided if they are ladies). An example: all men know not to hit a women. This does come from chivalry, the cult of the gentleman. I consider a male who refuses to give a female the respect she deserves less of a man because he is unable to master himself or recognise his own strength. Now, this principle is not an excuse to cave into feminist ideology but I do this there is a desired balance.
One can hardly accuse the French crusaders of being unmanly yet they were some of the initiators and followers of courtly love and chivalry.
In short, women ought not to require worship but should have a respect for men. They should behave as ladies. Men, if they wish to be respected, should behave chivalrously and with honour.
This is really a superlative post. Chauvinism & misogyny are absolutely detestable but modern day feminism has become its equally insidious & punitive antithesis. Particularly in America women expect men to bow before them in awe of the mere merit of their gender alone & if men don't men suffer (e.g. enduring aggressively macho & unattractive Nancy Grace/Willa Cather types at home/office) , & if they do American men suffer more (enter the whipped mangina constantly appeasing his lady for fear of being hen pecked). Equality & respect need to be the cornerstones of any long lasting relationship & today women in America do not want equality, they want dominance for simply being women & they will not respect any man who just gives it to them simply because they are women without it being earned & neither should his mates.-"A Fellow with a Penchant for Helen Mirren"
LBF - No, sorry. It's taken from the book I've been reading, Philip - The Man Behind The Monarchy.
"Eventually Nature will re-assert itself and the natural order of things will be restored. Whether it is achieved by a Western Restoration, or an alien ideology such as Islam".
I feel very doubtful about the next ones to come ruling the world. I am not very sure about how many western principles they are going to follow.
I would look for a natural balance in relationship with women rather than a natural order. (How naïve I am)
I lust after all kinds of women, and after I sleep with them, I lose all interest. I am fortunate because, like LBF, I am blessed with refined taste, elegant speech, and what I presume to be naturally good looks (can you link me to a picture LBF?). But really relationships are a bore. They are so un-intellectual, superficially social, needlessly time-consuming, and, basically, hostile to any and all forms of activity that requires cultivation. Why do women crave relationships so much? Believe me, if regular sex did not come with relationships, men would have no reason to enter into them. But the same is not true for the woman. The woman would be just fine with irregular sex. They like the sense of "achievement" it brings them, and I cannot understand why.
What do you think about that LBF? I think are sentiments are in perfect agreement. I really do enjoy your blog.
I find it very sad that you look at women and relationships like that at the age of 24, MBM. Hopefully you will come around.
Jasper, I do hope so. I take solace in the belief that I have not yet met the right person. But still my experience has been this: after the novelty of a "new" relationship wears off (i.e. once you stop having sex 4-5 times a night), the relationship really becomes more of a friendship, which is fine, but the problem is this: you have to live together and spend lots and lots of time together. You are really left no time to yourself -- you can no longer read in isolation or pursue solitary habits and activities.
Most of the best friendships I have with my guy friends survive only because I don't have to live with them and spend lots and lots of time with them.
Chin up, MGM! It's nothing that 15 or 20 years of thrice-a-week psychotherapy won't cure!
Have you considered the homoerotic content of your posts? The misogny, crypto-fascism, and over-interest in tweeds are seamless . . .
women are wondrous creatures that trance men by looking like those
depicted on the 4th of november link shown above.
we are guided by our desire to have them in quantity and quality.
men are men and should eschew any
pressure to be anything else; courtesy, gentlemanly behaviour, a ready smile and the subtle hint bubbling below the surface of the gents visage that he wants to shag their brains out are the requisites
of a happy life.
Modern society believes in brainwashing us whenever possible so that we do not see differences between groups or individuals.
Contrary to feminist rhetoric, this has not benefited women; it has resulted in them being treated as "bros with sex potential."
A lot of westerners seem to forget that feminism and assorted mental disorders are afflicting a fairly small amount of world populace ie US and EU AND AUS/NZ.
There are 6 more billion souls out there who never heard of these things.
As a result a quet exodus has started.White guys fleeing for the Global South.
It's known that you learn from your mistakes. When God created woman, She got it right the second time around. The female race is superior in many ways. The art of manipulation--Eve gave Adam the apple. He could have said no. Only men can be tamed. The superior woman knows this. But then, there are the ones who don't know or have forgotten who they are. They are the inferior women. They get pushed around, taken advantage of, and tossed when it's over. Sadly, there are too many of them these days.
I'm sorry your mother abandoned you. You're right to remove the title of "mother" when referencing her. I would like to think she re-entered your life at some point, but it's none of my business.
"Tomorrow belongs to us." You are a hopeless romantic. Romanticize the future, dream on but there's no going back. History repeating itself doesn't apply to feminism. I'm very feminine but I'm definitely not a feminist. For the most part, I don't care for the movement. And, the notion of Hillary Clinton as the next President just sounds scary. However, I would vote for Barbara (Kitty) Bush in a heartbeat. I admire her greatly.
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