06 November 2011


The Holy Monastery of Rousanou


Grausig Grantiger Gemahl said...

Astonishing! I'd really enjoy staying there for a couple days in silence.Just reading, wandering and so on...

Grausig Grantiger Gemahl said...

How was it possible to create this stuff back in the days???
F##k Burj D'Arab and stuff!

Akkanouris said...


We Greeks are astonishing. In a few years time people will wonder the same way on how we f%$ed our economy.

The place is not of this world. It is a pilgrimage for every naturalist. Tempted there to say "for every westerner". There, I said it!

Anonymous said...

Delightfully Muslim-free!



Anonymous said...

Forgive the frivolous question, but was this location used in the 1981 Roger Moore/Bond pic 'For Your Eyes Only?' If so, I believe they named it St. Cyril's in the film.

v. Braun. said...

Considering the geopolitical situation it is wise to have friends in such high monastic places to that one could retire in case of emergency.

Like in the early Middle Ages, such refuges could again become strongholds conserving our old European heritage in the face of a barbarous, uncivilized world.

DEK said...

Good walls make good neighbors. And if they're unbreachable, you don't really care.