Bene edamus! Bene bibamus! Saecula semper concelebramus Quod imperat Regina Ne faveat Doctrina Se choro sonoro Dives in omnia Sed choro sonoro Dives in omnia Collegium, Collegium acclamus
Porterhouse, Porterhouse To live and die in Porterhouse! Dives in omnia!
"In every battle the eyes are the first to be conquered..."
- Tacitus, Germania
"One must work in solitude as a man who opens a clearing in virgin forest, sustained by the unique hope that somewhere in its depths, others are working to the same end."
- Ernst Jünger
"I find that I must go handsomely, whatever it costs me, and the charge will be made up in the fruit it brings."
Down, today.
Up, the week before.
Big downgrades - Moody's?
Whistling past
of NYC
Bene edamus! Bene bibamus!
Saecula semper concelebramus
Quod imperat Regina
Ne faveat Doctrina
Se choro sonoro
Dives in omnia
Sed choro sonoro
Dives in omnia
Collegium, Collegium acclamus
Porterhouse, Porterhouse
To live and die in Porterhouse!
Dives in omnia!
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