How curious to strike a
sour note in such a sublime melody! What follows is a cell block field description. Either I am getting even more curmudgeonly in the run-up to middle age, or people really have become uglier. I think it is the latter. Ugliness offends me; I want to destroy it. Modern humans disgust me. I see fat faces reflecting the American man-child ideal and I want to strike them. Wide-set eyes and pug noses. Distended bellies full of junk. And minds full of lies. Deadbeats, addicts, and fucking incompetents. Prancing bimbos, little toads full of pathetic hipster excuses. The Post-American dystopia, as I keep telling you, is ripe for subversion. But for now I turn away. Fogey routines provide an order unattainable in civilian life. One surfs the Kali Yuga and moves to bio-genetic harmonies. Initiating binary commands.
It's not middle-age, good sir. It's a war on beauty and standards being unloaded on us under the rotting banner of "democracy" or "equality". The revenge of the toads...
gI think you have become a curmudgeon. What are you looking for and is it a reflection of what is inside of you? I know it sounds a little Kumbaya, but if you have beauty on the inside then you can't help but see the beauty in others. I am more concerned if someone has an ugly heart.
You know that passage--superbly written--has almost a touch of Burroughs in it--a la Naked Lunch. Bravo Admiral.
i'm more interested in where do i put my money than worrying about ugly people-they are not going away, but i need to make sure my moolah doesn't go away. JRF
tea in the Sahara with you
As for your list of insults on unknowing people ---I know you are, but what am I?
U-G-L-Y you ain't got no alibi, YOU ugly. Yeah, that's right. And, your dates need glasses at the very least. I also think curmudgeon is too kind of a word for you. I read your blog because you write well and it can seem poetic at times. But geez, the crap in between.
Damn why all the hate? He doesn't like ugly, so be it. When you get down to it one mans trash is another's treasure. If all he sees is trash about him, hey his loss.
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