When I lived in Namibia (South West Africa) many of my neighbours had such dogs patrolling their fenced compounds. These creatures were very aggressive--though, not towards me. What I was told is that they were trained to respond aggressively to the wood-smoke scent of Africans. As events progress in the US, these dogs will become more popular.
What scents will they be trained for in the US? Malt liquor? Deep fried Chicken? Watermelon?
The animals are our friends.
Just looked them up and their breeding and temperament are similar to Bandogs.
I recently got a Bandog pup pretty much for the reasons people would select a Boerboel. He joins my Mastiff.
Oh, and thought you might appreciate to know, the dog's name is Leon Dogrelle, after Léon Degrelle, as recommended by Cam.
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