Jean-Marie Le Pen, natty chieftain of the Front National (FN), who recently stepped down from his post in the organisation he founded, handing control to his very attractive daughter Marine. Le Pen was one of two notorious Frenchmen who figured in my early years, the other being Marcel Lefebvre, contributing to my own burgeoning understanding at the time. That Le Pen could attract such hatred from both factions of the same regime, suggested to me the positions he espoused were not only more on target than not, but more importantly constituted a genuine threat to the established post-war order. They still are, and do. Once derided as 'extremist,' the views advocated by 'Generation Le Pen' are increasingly mainstream, as recent popular polls across Europe and Britain consistently demonstrate. The question is, how much longer can the teetering structure survive? Large cracks appear in the post-war order; the ongoing revolutions in the Middle East are just one indication. Sooner or later it will fall and fall hard, the certainty of which probably explains Le Pen's smile in the photographic image (à gauche). Note the grey double-breasted suit, orange tie, tortoiseshell specs, and boutonnière. It does not get much better than this. Perfection. I am currently in consultation with local tailors for a similar DB suit. I am probably not to be found walking the streets in my suit greeting friends and supporters, as Le Pen appears to be doing in the photo, but I certainly can be spotted sauntering along with a friendly, knowing smile.
The suit is excellent; however, the post is in bad taste.
I've always admired Le Pen's style. Considering the blandly dressed dullards who "lead" the West today I can only conclude that sartorial competence is directly correlated to political wisdom.
too bad the sleeves are too long, too bad this man used to be a fierce negationist. Nice tie anyway.
Liberals and left wingers everywhere are on the run. Especially in the EU. Otherwise the end would be near; we have been to the abyss and luckily, so far, we have survived their madness.
Always important to reflect: WWBBD?
(What would Bill Buckley do?)
Vern Trotter
Vernon ~ Bill Buckley went from defending South African whites to fawning over the neoconservatives, a group to whom few derogatory appellations would be ill applied. In spite of his aristocratic trappings, Buckley was more concerned with being respectable in the eyes of the mainstream than standing athwart history, etc.
But to be fair, he was a much smarter dresser than, say, Jonah Goldberg.
I must respectfully disagree with the first comment. Both the suit AND the post are impeccable (as usual).
Le Pen and Lefebvre. Man could have much worse influences than them.
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